Saturday, May 10, 2014

It's a matter of life and death.

Death has been all around me.

3 patients have died in the last few weeks. They each were sweet, and had I known my last visit with them was the last I would have spent more time. I would have prayed with them. I would have encouraged them that God loves them and shared with them the gospel. It's easy to look back and say I would have done this or that, and too often I miss opportunities because of desire to stay on time, to try and make sure I get lunch or leave close to on time, and to meet the demands of a  busy work day.

3 patients this past few weeks I signed up for hospice. Cancer. Chronic severe disease. It's admitting that there is nothing more I can do, nothing more that I can treat. The understanding of reaching the line of everything I can do for the patient... to cross over would be to start doing things to the patient. I share the hope of hospice, the gift of dying with dignity and truth of what hospice is and is not.

I listen on the phone as a loved one shares with me the heartbreak of loosing her love. I listen on the phone as a close friend shares the fears of her dad's recent medical diagnosis.

All of these people precious. All of the people I'm praying for their souls that God would have mercy on them, but my heart breaks, for the babies that are going to die in Kissimmee Florida if Planned Parenthood has their way, and opens their mega-center. It breaks my heart that millions of babies have died at the hands of abortionists.  It breaks my heart women don't feel supported to keep their children, and that death is what they choose. These babies we are praying for, these babies we hope to save both in Kissimmee and all over the world are babies that are a beautiful creation. They are miracles because babies aren't made like baking a cake- you don't put the ingredients in the oven and wait for the timer to go off. These babies are just that: babies, not just cells or tissue or a fertilized egg. It's a baby. A beautiful baby.

I can't stop the death of my patients when they are sick past what we can take care of currently with where we have progressed. I can pray that science would continue to progress and that new cures and treatments are found, but I can't stop death of these people. I can however educate moms and help them. I can help stop abortion from being the option for approximately 5000 babies a day. I can work hard, I can pray, I can give it all my spare time, talent and treasure and I can save lives simply by awareness. I can't do it alone. Please join me. Please pray with me. Please protect these lives and help these mothers. Please be willing to take in the children when their mother can't care for them. please be willing to babysit for the single mom when you can, offer food and clothes. Please stand for these babies who can't stand for themselves.

Please. These children need you and it's a matter of life and death.

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