Sunday, December 13, 2015

Advent week 2, Paleo week 2 Recap

Dear Friends,

I pray this Advent season has been beautiful for you and your family. I know for me it truly has been a challenging season but God has provided so much grace and I can't begin to tell you how lovely that has been. I have completed week 2 of paleo and I'll recap that for you as well.

Last Sunday I began to notice I wasn't feeling myself. I was tired and my asthma began to flare. As someone who has really gotten my asthma under great control this was abnormal and I started to worry, was I getting sick? I then remembered I spent Saturday evening on a farm, in the woods, on an old train looking at lights. It was a cold night but this was the perfect conditions to set everything off into a whirl wind for the allergy ridden asthmatic that I am. This was different than my normal and progressed much more than in the past. I won't go into all I've felt in the past week but I'll tell you here we are a week later and I am not 100%. Exhausted doesn't cover it. My asthma is still bad despite my efforts with medications, tea, and rest. Thankfully while this hasn't been easy I know it's a grace from God and I ask He join my suffering for the good of those who have lung ailments worse than mine. That He would heal them and invite them into the light of heaven. I love knowing God can use my worst for His best.

This challenge has forced me to rest. I am not one to rest I am one to go and accomplish but I've had to sleep. I've had to say no. I've had to keep quiet and honestly it has been helpful in reminding me to truly embrace this season. To wait and watch and listen. To be still and know that He is God. Thankful He has come and answered me.

He reminded my heart on Wednesday : Isaiah 40:25-31

To whom can you liken me as an equal?
says the Holy One.
Lift up your eyes on high
and see who has created these things:
He leads out their army and numbers them,
calling them all by name.
By his great might and the strength of his power
not one of them is missing!
Why, O Jacob, do you say,
and declare, O Israel,
“My way is hidden from the LORD,
and my right is disregarded by my God”?

Do you not know
or have you not heard?
The LORD is the eternal God,
creator of the ends of the earth.
He does not faint nor grow weary,
and his knowledge is beyond scrutiny.
He gives strength to the fainting;
for the weak he makes vigor abound.
Though young men faint and grow weary,
and youths stagger and fall,
They that hope in the LORD will renew their strength,
they will soar as with eagles’ wings;
They will run and not grow weary,
walk and not grow faint.

It's as though He was telling me... He will give me strength when I feel weak. He doesn't grow tired. No matter how tired and weak I am, He will not only never grow faint but He renews my strength. It's as though I heard these words in a new way. Friends have you ever thought about that? God, never gets tired. He never takes a vacation or calls in sick. He is eternal. He always was, always is, always will be. He's with you from beginning to end. Oh friends I needed this on Wednesday.

He spoke to me on Friday through Isaiah 48:17-19

Thus says the LORD, your redeemer,
the Holy One of Israel:
I, the LORD, your God,
teach you what is for your good,
and lead you on the way you should go.
If you would hearken to my commandments,
your prosperity would be like a river,
and your vindication like the waves of the sea;
Your descendants would be like the sand,
and those born of your stock like its grains,
Their name never cut off
or blotted out from my presence.

These words Friday really spoke to my heard. Listen to His commands and He will take care of the rest. My heart was reminded of our Blessed Mother calling to us at the wedding of Cana: Do whatever He tells you. She's echoing this reminder friends. She's telling us listen just as He told us to Listen. When the servants at the wedding did as she said, did what Jesus told them a miracle occurred. Water turned to wine. Friends this reminded me on my busy Friday that a miracle can happen.

Friends these are a few examples of how God blessed my heart this week. It helped me so much to get through each day with His help.  He also helped me to stick to Paleo. In a week where I didn't feel myself I didn't want to cook, but He helped me try. I didn't want to eat healthy I wanted comfort food but He reminded me to want to be as healthy as possible reflecting on my love and care for Him and his creation. So here we are week 2 done and I'll tell you it wasn't easy. I realized how simple the excuses I make for eating bad can be and on more days than not I could have found a reason to justify cheating. The only thing I will say I was not faithful to was mints. I actually haven't found anything that tells me they are wrong but I imagine they are as they are processed. I bought sugar free mints as an effort but mints are what got me through work. I couldn't have worked this week had it not been for mint, tea and albuterol. I want to be honest with you and perhaps there is an alternative I didn't find. If you know of any let me know. 

What do I notice different physically this week on Paleo? I came to the awareness that the strange aches and pains I've had in my joints over the last several months seem to be gone. No migrating knee pain, no hand pain, no begging my husband to rub this or that. When asked my husband says I've complained of these discomforts our whole marriage which makes me laugh because I wouldn't have thought it had been that long. He agrees I haven't complained. Only time will tell if this truly is related to Paleo or if I happen to just be having a good couple weeks.  Friends have you experienced any changes like this? 

Yesterday we finished 33 Days of Mourning Glory on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. It is a consecration to Mary private retreat which my husband and I completed together. It really opened my mind and thoughts to Mary's role, which honestly I am still trying to understand more and more. I am thankful for our Blessed Mother and ask for her intercession. It was great to read some of the things in that book that I had never heard, as well as inspired me to know more about Our Lady. Friends have you done this retreat? If you haven't I recommend it. I would love to hear your thoughts on Mary. How has she inspired you?

Today is Gaudete Sunday and my husband and I have been discussing more how we can celebrate advent. In an effort to establish traditions this year we landed on the following: 
We put up our tree today. We have a fake tree so pulled it out of the garage, fluffed the branches and it is up. We didn't put anything on it. It's barren. We thought this was a beautiful reminder in our family room that we are waiting. We are discussing putting on the lights and turning them on just for today for the feast of St. Lucy, and waiting until Christmas for otherwise. So far, it's without lights, an arrow pointed heavenward. Part of me wishes we did this from the first Sunday because it really seems like a statement in that room now. Christmas is coming but we are waiting to celebrate it before we can prepare for it. No tinsel or lights or Christmas music just yet. Christmas will keep just a few more days while we reflect, pray and ready our hearts. We will decorate for Christmas when Christmas comes.

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice.
Indeed, the Lord is near

God bless you friends.


Sunday, December 6, 2015

Advent week 1 Overview 2015 and My Paleo Journey

Dear Friends.
I've missed you. If you haven't been following me on my Facebook page I recommend it because I've been trying to post. You can find it here:
Just hit "Like"
I have some giveaways coming so you don't want to miss them.

Alright on to Advent. Advent means Coming. We prepare for His coming, both to celebrate His birth and to remember His second coming.  Week 1 is a reflection on Hope. We are waiting for the fulfillment of our hope. Thanks be to God there is hope.

Friends I didn't grow up Catholic as many of you know, so coming up with ways our family can celebrate Advent and hold the Christmas celebration to the Christmas season has involved a lot of research. It's been a growing experience but we've got our special journey to Advent wreath out and our nativity sans wise men and baby Jesus and we have made the attempt. We haven't listened to Christmas music in our home or cars but haven't avoided places playing it out. We would be hermits if we did. We have enjoyed letting our hearts prepare the way of the Lord in our hearts and home. We've kept the TV off and really been good for our family to unplug and take a break. We have tried to light our wreath each night but I can be honest and tell you a few nights I've been so tired from work I didn't take the time. We have been praying and seeking and friends I started my paleo journey last Sunday.


Yes this girl is trying it out. I did a lot of research to see medically and scientifically is it worth it? I think it's a great thing to pick up in Advent as I deny myself. It hasn't been easy, friends I wasn't eating the best possible that I could prior to this but in our family it has been a gift.  As the cookies start to come out all around us, I've been able to say no. It's made me more aware of how often I was choosing the easy thing which wasn't best, and how it really isn't as tough as I thought it was to eat well. We have had some of the yummiest food in the last week and I've made it. We haven't eaten out as much, which in turn saved us money. We haven't indulged but have practiced temperance. I won't be on paleo forever but I do think its helped me to find a lot of foods I like and choose the best choice. I have yet to have anything that isn't paleo approved and I hope to keep it that way through Advent. By God's grace I can do it. There is hope for me in His grace friends.

St. Teresa of Avila wrote in Interior Castles "This body has one fault, that the more people pamper it, the more its wants are made known. It is strange how much it likes to be indulged. How well it finds some good pretext to deceive the poor soul!"  Remembering this helps me not to cheat.  I know if I have one thing...I'll just want more and before I know it paleo will be dead. So I'm going to establish new habits. If I can do it you can too. Trust me it's not easy with my busy work schedule and long commute to work but I have hope that all my efforts will be worth it. 

Friends I don't share my journey with Paleo and Advent to brag about what I'm doing. No, in all I hope to bring glory to Christ. I share to encourage you to think about what you can do big or small to offer to God during this time. We prepare for both the birth of Christ and His second coming in this advent season. This season has been lovely. It's really grown my heart. I'm currently reading Jesus of Nazareth by Benedict and friends if you haven't read it RUN, go get it. It is amazing. It's not just for Catholics my protestant friends will love it too. Check it out here  (not an affiliate link just saved you a google search).  

I hope this Advent season has touched your heart, and if not start today. Make an effort to prepare the way of the Lord in your heart this season. Let us cry "Come Emmanuel" before we sing Joy to the World. Let us ask why we celebrate and reflect on that before we just jump in.

The gospel reading from Friday Morning touched my heart so much.
Matthew 9:27-31
As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed him, crying loudly, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!” When he entered the house, the blind men came to him; and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord.” Then he touched their eyes and said, “according to your faith let it be done to you.” And their eyes were opened. Then Jesus sternly ordered them, “See that no one knows of this.” But they went away and spread the news about him throughout that district.

Friends in this season I ask that the Son of David open my eyes and heal me. I believe He can do this and I ask Him for healing physically, spiritually and mentally.  I pray for this for you friends too. I ask that our loving Savior touch your eyes. He is our hope friends. His love for us is great and He always answers if you call on Him. I'm calling on Him for you.  Share with me if I can be offering up for any specific prayer requests either through my Facebook page, comments or you can e-mail me at   Please keep my husband and I in your prayers as well. 

May God bless you and keep you. 