Sunday, October 18, 2015

Healing the Wounded Culture : Bringing the Wholeness of Healing to Humanity

The 84th Annual meeting of the Catholic Medical Association occurred in Philadelphia, PA October 1-3, 2015. More than 600 people attended comprised of Doctors, Physician Assistants, Nurses, other members of health care, spouses, priests, sisters, and even a few adorable babies. It was three days of discussion on the wounds our culture has and how to heal and care for them. We started each day with confession, mass and the rosary and then took a big dive in to topics that concern the dignity of the human person from conception to natural death. As my favorite saint, St. Francis De Sales says "To be perfect in one’s vocation is nothing else than to perform the duties and offices to which one is obliged, solely for the honor and love of God, referring to His glory. Whoever works in this manner may be called perfect in his state, a man according to the heart and will of God."  The exact nature of the conference is to grow in knowledge to practice medicine with greater honor and love of God, for His glory.

Often we reflected throughout the days on the Holy Father's explanation that the church is a field hospital. As health care professionals this picture of a hospital, mending wounds of the broken both brings a physical image and a spiritual one. Physical in that in various ways we heal body wounds. We deal with the bleeding, the disease, the disordered in an attempt to manage the care of a patient in the safest and best way possible. Spiritual in that we see patients wounded with all sorts of circumstances that affect the mind and the spirit and each we attempt to manage. Each of the members of the CMA know, that no matter how great a provider of health care in these areas, without the assistance of the Divine Physician our efforts are feeble at best, but with the persistent help of Our Lord and the intercession of the Angels and Saints we can accomplish great things.

There were a full slate of speakers including: Kathleen Raviele MD, Chris Kalenborn MD, Gerald Burke MD,  Angela Lanfranchi MD,  Anthony Levantino MD, Marie Joseph, Theresa Burke MD , Margurite Duane MD, Rev. Tadeusz Pacholyczk Ph. D., Thomas Hilgers MD, Mark Houck, Brad Wilcox Ph.D., Philip Mango Ph.D., Richard Fitzgibbons MD, Peter Kleponis Ph.D. Damon Owens, Gregory Popcak Ph.D., Rev Roger Landry, Rev Dennis Billy, Rev. Robert Spitzer, Peter Kreeft Ph.D., Rev. Juan Velez MD, Marie-alberte Boursiquot MD, and Gianna Jessen. 

  • THURSDAY dealt with  BODY WOUNDS.
  • Photo by John Hartman, MD 
    • We discussed the damage that contraception, Plan B, Assisted Reproduction and abortion have caused. While it is long standing that the church has long challenged each of these, it is important to note that the Roman Catholic Church is not against them for the sake of picking and choosing things to stand for. They are against the destruction of life. Life, marked by the unique DNA present from conception different from the mother or the father, is precious and to be protected. As health care providers we took the oath to do no harm and we each take that oath seriously even down to our smallest patients. It's not easy but we want to protect our patients from the increased risk of breast cancer, liver cancer, stroke, and blood clots. We want to protect the children at their smallest state and help guide others to the truth. We heard from passionate people who are experts in their field. We then spent time talking and discussing how to heal, help and come to the aid of those who need us. Marie Joseph who runs a Women's Center spoke on the need for beauty. She said "Our center is beautiful, it looks like a Spa." She shared with me that its that beauty that captures many of the women that enter her center to know that they are cared for. They aren't just another number but valued. She challenged us all to get involved and stop watching from the sidelines and reminded us that "Crisis Pregnancy" is no way to discuss the life that has been given to the world.   We learned about the beauty of Rachel's Vineyard and how women all over the world are invited to work through their struggles related to abortion. We also learned how deep some of the hurt and anger run and how prevalent suicide is among those who abort. We were educated on healthier options and the need for inclusion in medical school curricula. We discussed how Naprotechnology is more effective than assisted reproductive techniques such as IVF. 
  • FRIDAY: covered MIND WOUNDS 
    • We reviewed the most common psychological and medical issues associated with pornography and sexual addiction, both of these issues leading to a significant impact on our marriages ending in divorce. We discussed the medical, psychological and social impacts of these and other sexual disorders.  We discussed how to provide care and help for our patients who are struggling and reminded that we can only fill and heal others when we ourselves are filled and healed.  It was astounding to hear how many struggle with sexual and emotional scars and to learn how satan has twisted such a beautiful gift into so many things that bind and break people. We know pain that is not transformed and treated is transmitted. The cycle of sickness in the mind only leads to more wounds in others that are physical, mental and spiritual if we do not come to heal and be healed.  Proper counseling was discussed and the importance of identifying the struggles and meeting them where they are with love and compassion.  In the talks Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons explained the identity crisis that occurs when masculinity is reduced to athleticism.  He shared " Masculinity is not determined by athleticism. It is the degree to which you configure yourself to Christ."   It is only when we can share the love of Christ with others that we can bring wholeness to these wounds. 
  • Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul
    • We discussed the nature of evil as presented by a church certified exorcist. He shared that demons howl at the name of St. John Paul II. We heard  how important it is to address spiritual wounds and the challenges in doing so.  We talked about culture, about what it is and isn't and how important it is to grow and shape the world.  We need to love people, to care about them physically, mentally and spiritually.  At times this will call us to spend a few more moments listening, a moment encouraging, a few minutes asking questions. Our efforts won't be wasted. It is when we put together our love for God and love for medicine that we can truly be great providers.  We heard from Peter Kreeft, PhD who shared "There is no war between science and religion. If so name a casualty."  He went on to encourage those in attendance not to stop our efforts to care for each person. "We need to know people and their messiness and God and His perfection. We need both."  Finally we ended with what we began with : healing through the Eucharist and the ultimate example of brokenness  in Christ was offered by Archbishop Timothy Broglio and Most Reverend John J. McIntyre at the Cathedral Basilica Shrine of Saints Peter and Paul.  A beautiful church in the heart of Philadelphia and a beautiful sight to see all in attendance on their knees before the blessed sacrament.  The sight of all of us kneeling together is one I will hold on to in my heart. All different age, races, cultures, areas of specialty in the medical field, and yet we all have Jesus in common, and His healing mission. 

Throughout the conference we saw two statues at the front of the room: one of the scourged and wounded Christ and one of the resurrected Christ. We as providers know that when we care for the wounded we care for Christ. The wounded are not alone, for Our Lord knows the wounds you carry as He carried them too. We also know that the resurrected Christ reminds us of healing. Death couldn't hold Him, the grave couldn't restrain Him, He lives and gives breath to dry bones. 
Photo by John Hartman, MD 
This was my second CMA conference and friends it was nothing short of beautiful. I could write so much more on this but I hope to just share a brief overview of the amazing experience  I'm reminded that I'm not alone in my desire to care for all from conception to natural death. I'm encouraged that there are others fighting with me and that God is calling new ones everyday.  I know that this conference has been a breath of fresh air for myself and many others in attendance. You see, we can't separate our medical practice from our beliefs because it is our very beliefs that shape our love and care of each person. It's only fitting that there is a conference that puts the two together: that brings the beauty of mass and then equips us to truly "Go Forth and Serve the Lord."  I met some amazing friends, and reconnected with some lovely people as well.  It blessed my heart to enjoy the time with such kind and caring people. 

Photo by John Hartman, MD 
As I went back these past two weeks to work I see how each patient comes in reminds me of the two Christ statues. Some were broken and bruised, others were healed from their wounds due to care. Whichever Christ they represent, I'm privileged to love and care  for Christ in each of them.  I hope not only to see them as Christ but they might my Lord through my care for them.  

The 85th annual Catholic Medical Association will be in Washington D.C  October 13-15th. 

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Monday, October 12, 2015

Greatness of Humility

Hi friends!
I hope you are well. Do you ever think about how God has grown you in a given amount of time? I know I look back and count my blessing and remember the challenges I've overcome. All of that is beautiful. I don't necessarily think back on the vices and virtues but as time progresses my growth will just present itself almost as a surprise. In other places where I haven't grown pops up at time too. Oh my faults. Many, many faults. 

How true, the closer we get to God and His perfection, the more we see where we need to grow. When I think of Christ and His love, His compassion, His strength, His suffering and all of His life I see perfection. While I know that by myself I will never be perfect I know that God can grow me and shape me into what He wills if I am faithful to be clay in His hands. If I've learned anything in the last  two years it's humility that allows me to be clay. 

In a world that pushes pride, our savior calls us to humility. He opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble. So when you see ______ Pride. Black Pride. White Pride. Gay Pride. Straight Pride. Married Pride. Single Pride. Educated Pride. Uneducated Pride....whatever it is. It's not the preceding word that God opposed it's the latter half: the pride. He loves Black, White, Gay Straight, Married, Single, Educated, Uneducated. He opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. 

If I learn anything from learning more and more about God it is how prideful I am. You see my savior, He humbled Himself to become a man, to walk this earth, to be beaten and hated and killed for my sake and then He rose. He came humbly as a baby. He humbly fell carrying the cross when He could have called legions of angels to carry it for Him. He humbly allowed Himself to be tempted as we are. He humbly worked as a carpenter. He humbly befriended prostitutes and tax collectors. His beautiful humility beckons my heart. Thankfully He has given me thousands of saints to show me that even in our present day humility is possible. Even if you have an affluent job or social status, you can use it for the good of others. Even if you have nothing, you can give of yourself to others. No matter what your circumstance, He is calling you to be humble, to know that every good and perfect gift comes from Him and that all of your talents and gifts are given not earned.  

You friend are loved and humility allows Him to fill your heart and hands with love. It is amazing how He loves you and me. Amazing who He cares for you and me. You see friend when your heart is filled with humility is when you lead others to Him. The saints reflected Him greatly because of their great humility. 

To be taken with love for a soul, God does not look on its greatness, but the greatness of its humility.
--St John of the Cross

Humility is the foundation of all the other virtues hence, in the soul in which this virtue does not exist there cannot be any other virtue except in mere appearance.
--Saint Augustine

He who wants to learn true humility should reflect upon the Passion of Jesus.
-- St Faustina, Divine Mercy in my Soul (267)

The highest point of humility consists in not merely acknowledging one's abjection, but in taking pleasure therein, not from any want of breadth or courage, but to give the more glory to God's Divine Majesty, and to esteem one's neighbour more highly than one's self.
--St Francis De Sales

The most powerful weapon to conquer the devil is humility. For, as he does not know at all how to employ it, neither does he know how to defend himself from it.
--Saint Vincent de Paul

These are just a few quotes by them on this virtue. Friend I encourage you to really think on these. Ask God to teach you what St. John of the Cross, St Augustine, St Faustina, St Francis De Sales and St. Vincent De Paul really knew about these. Ask them to pray for you that you would learn what they knew.  If you don't know about their lives I encourage you to do a little search and look at their example. Each of them points us so clearly to Christ by their humility. 

St. John of the Cross - pray for us
 St Augustine - pray for us
 St Faustina  - pray for us
 St Francis De Sales - pray for us
St. Vincent De Paul - pray for us

Friends I'm praying for us, that you and I will both continue to grow in humility. That we will reflect Him and point people to Him.


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Saturday, October 10, 2015

Easy Chicken Sausage Veggie Quinoa Lettuce Wraps

Hello Friends! A few weeks ago I was looking for a yummy lunch for my husband and I. I try and sneak as many veggies into his food that I can. When we married he ate salad, green beans, carrots and corn as his only "veggies." I knew I needed to help him add some more things and now he eats several things but it has taken some creativity on my part. In the end this process has increased my veggie intake, made cooking more adventurous and been a fun challenge. I want to blog some of my recipe adventures for you and here's my first go. Note I am not a chef, and I am not a professional recipe writer but I included what I would think would be needed to recreate this. 

So recently I went to The Cheesecake Factory and found on their small plates menu lettuce wraps. I've never been big into lettuce wraps but let me tell you go and get the "Mexican" ones. You won't be sorry.  I tried googling for a make it at home recipe and I haven't found one. This isn't one either...but it is a yummy lettuce wrap option if your craving something like that. 

What you need:
2  tablespoons of Olive Oil
1 clove of garlic (not pictured)
1/2 large onion
2 mild chicken sausage
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon of cumin
garlic, salt, pepper to taste
2 cups cooked quinoa
1 small zucchini (the one pictures is a bigger one... I used 1/2)
1/2 cup frozen corn
1 cup frozen sweet potato
Butter lettuce leaves (not pictured)

I use mostly organic or green wise options but we have only been big on that for the last year or so. I'm still switching things like my spices and such. We didn't want to be wasteful but we do want to be healthy.  We do find it more expensive and one way we get around this is using frozen veggies and going to farmers markets when we can. The only one in town is on Saturday mornings and the last 6 Saturdays I have either been out of town or busy with something else that didn't permit shopping locally. So frozen it has been. If you live alone or are a small family of 2 this is a great way to add veggies and not be wasteful with things going bad. 

I failed to capture the step by step pictures that an expert blogger would but I will see what I can do in the future.  I start by chopping the onion so its ready to go. Cue the tears.  Once I'm done having a good cry I set the onion aside. I put oil and 1 clove worth of garlic in a skillet on medium heat.  I do not use fresh garlic but I use minced organic garlic in a jar. You are welcome to use whatever makes you happy.  Saute chopped onion and sweet potato together in the olive oil/garlic goodness.   During this process have quinoa cooking. You can do this via stove top or microwave depending on your multitasking skills. I just follow the directions on the bag and I really enjoy the multicolored version from Trader Joe's. If I don't have this on hand I have substituted with Risotto which is really good! Ok back to the directions...
 Remove the sausage from the casing and break it up as it cooks. Once cooked stir in zucchini, corn and spices. Cook another 3-4 minutes. When everything looks nicely melded together its done. If it looks raw, veggies are still frozen keep going. If you stir every once and a while I've found its good about not burning.   I wish technology could allow you to smell the goodness that this is. OH gosh it smelled great. Listen don't skip on the Chili powder. It's not hot it just makes it all perfectly yummy. 
Add in quinoa to warm it through. Spoon into butter lettuce leaves. It may look like this: 
You can add a little sprinkle cheese if you like. you honestly can adjust this however you think will taste good. Send me your ideas and pictures please. If you can capture smell and send that do it as well :)
My husband and I both thought it was delicious. A great adventure of simply throwing things together to see what came out. Necessity is the mother of invention. New easy go to dinner/ lunch/leftover redo option in our house.

I hope you enjoyed this recipe. Have anything to add? Comment below.
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Recipe without the commentary:

2  tablespoons of Olive Oil
1 clove of garlic (not pictured)
1/2 large onion
2 mild chicken sausage
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon of cumin
garlic, salt, pepper to taste
2 cups cooked quinoa
1 small zucchini
1/2 cup frozen corn
1 cup frozen sweet potato
Butter lettuce leaves (not pictured )

Chop onion. Put oil and 1 clove worth of garlic in a skillet. Saute chopped onion and sweet potato together.  During this process have quinoa cooking. You can do this via stove top or microwave depending on your multitasking skills. I just follow the directions on the bag. Remove the sausage from the casing and break it up as it cooks. Once cooked stir in zucchini, corn and spices. Cook another 3-4 minutes. Add in quinoa to warm it through. Spoon into butter lettuce leaves

I've made this dish in many ways. The key ingredient is the chili powder. I've switched out veggies including frozen butternut squash, peas, kale and broccoli. I try and use what I have on hand. Also can switch quinoa for risotto.

1 wife and 1 hungry husband
(maybe 3 if you ate small portions but my husband eats twice what I do). To make it bigger just make more quinoa and add a little more of each of the veggies and another sausage.... or more if you need a lot. You really can't mess this up unless you burn it and even then it may taste pretty ok.

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Thursday, October 1, 2015

For When You Feel You Don't Measure Up

I, Zechariah, raised my eyes and looked:
there was a man with a measuring line in his hand.
I asked, “Where are you going?”
He answered, “To measure Jerusalem,
to see how great is its width and how great its length.”

Then the angel who spoke with me advanced,
and another angel came out to meet him and said to him,
“Run, tell this to that young man:
People will live in Jerusalem as though in open country,
because of the multitude of men and beasts in her midst.
But I will be for her an encircling wall of fire, says the LORD,
and I will be the glory in her midst.”

-Zec 2:2-5

Friends have you ever tried to measure yourself? Not your height or your weight but your value, and your worth? Have you ever tried to look and see how you compare to others? Maybe taking a self inventory you can see that your good at this, but not so good here or there. Maybe you feel not good at anything...or maybe pride has crept in so deep that you can't see your faults. Whatever the measuring stick you use, your value is greater than can be measured just as Jerusalem was too vast to be measured. Your value and worth have nothing to do with your job, your bank account, your looks, or your accomplishments. Your worth is determined in Christ's love for you that He laid himself down to die for you.  Just as the angel proclaimed " But I will be for her an encircling wall of fire, says the LORD, and I will be the glory in her midst.”  

Friends can you imagine that? Imagine God as an encircling wall of fire for your heart. Imagine Him being the glory in your midst. You friend are beautiful. You are His beloved. Let the God of all creation step in and be the one to measure you for His standard is love. In love He sees you in your brokenness, your places where you fail and falter. Your places where you succeed and in all of them He says " But I will be for her an encircling wall of fire, says the LORD, and I will be the glory in her midst.”

Friends let Him be your wall of fire. Let Him be the glory in your midst. Let Him fill the empty places.

Peace be with you my friend.

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