Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ephesians 2:11-23

On Sundays I teach a class at my church for women. We haw been studying the book of Ephesians and in 2:11-23 we see Paul write about the beautiful gift if unity bought through Christ. I asked the ladies what makes them feel different and at first they said nothing but then slowly the suggest things like martial status, age, jobs but I couldn't help but wonder what else makes them feel alone.

What makes me feel alone?
No parents- hardest questions for me to answer are " so where does your family live?" Not having parents separates me from most.
Marriage- many of my friends are single and while I love my husband having one has changed my friendships so much that some friends have really distanced themselves: this is sad to me. Granted I got a sweet husband but I still feel the difference
Teaching - so often I'm seen as the teacher that people don't see the social side of me.
My age- being young separates me bc in years I'm young but I'm not interested in what most 23 year olds are doing. I'm also young compared to my church.

I'm sure other ways but that's what I have right now. I didn't say any of this this morning bc I don't feel like I can. The ladies are mostly willing only to stick to the surface that I'm not sure how much to say. I also don't know them well but I'm trusting God has a plan.

Friends we are all one in Christ. Not alone not different all children of God. Enjoy that. Hold on to it. And remember that as you walk around our world.

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