Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Repent and Believe the gospel.

Happy Ash Wednesday! To all my friends who do not celebrate this day ill briefly explain : on Ash Wednesday the season of lent begins a 40 day ( really 46 day) season preparing for Christ at Easter. On Ash Wednesday our foreheads our dawned with a cross made of ashes and we are reminded that from dust we came and to dust we will return. As the priest drew this on my forehead he said : repent and believe the gospel and a flood of emotions hit me. A knowledge of my sin and a reminder that my sin is a reminder of places of unbelief in my heart and that of that I need to repent. I say all this as if it's something I've always done but it isn't. I grew up southern baptist and I never celebrated lent or Ash Wednesday. I wondered what was on people foreheads on this day and did they know it was there. When I heard of lent I always heard it related to giving up some sort of unhealthy food or caffeine and thought it must be some sorry of spring diet. Now I know it's a season of fasting and repentance and almsgiving. It's a season of preparation. The reflection of the why Christ was crucified before celebrating his resurrection. A season of dedicationZ a reminder to run the race well. My hope this season is to spend more time in the word, more time in prayer and more time writing. Friends I hope if you don't celebrate lent that you will at the very least commit to prepare your hearts for the rememberance of the death of or Lord and the celebration of his resurrection, When we spend time realizing our need for a savior the gospel truly becomes good news. That good news should move our heart to repentance. That should lead us to a desire to be closer and closer to our saviors.

So friends ...repent and believe the gospel. 
Repent. Turn to God. 
Believe the Gospel and let the good news illuminate your heart and let your light shine . 

Repent. Believe. The two go hand in hand. 


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