Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Respect Life

41 years ago today Roe V Wade legalized abortion in the United States. More than 56 Million babies have been aborted. This truth both breaks my heart and angers me. It breaks my heart there are women who feel helpless who feel they have no other options. It breaks my heart that families aren't supporting each other and men are helping to make babies but won't be fathers. It breaks my heart that children were denied the chance of life. It angers me that our churches don't take a bigger stand to support these women and children and families and to fight against this tragedy. More than 3000 babies will die today due to abortion and it angers me there is no justice for them. It angers me that if I am against abortion that people assume I'm against women and freedom. My prayers go to those women who are currently pregnant who don't know what to do. Please seek help and if you don't feel ready for a baby please consider adoption. My prayers go to those who have had an abortion that the church would love on these women and show them grace and kindness as the circumstances that often surround abortion are sad. My prayers go to the people who have failed to love and support pregnant women that they would have a change of heart. But most of all my prayer is that God would help to end abortion and that as a church we would give people better options.

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