Monday, March 10, 2014

4000 died today in the USA

Hello friends,

I regret to inform you that 4000 innocent died today. Approximately 4000 babies died today because of abortion. Today I come to you with a heavy heart. Today I ask for your prayers. A heartbreaking display of the 4000 that die each day from abortion is below. Friends please give these children life. Please support pregnant mothers. Please provide for one another and please please please respect life. Please let me know if ever I can help you and your considering abortion. Please pray with me for the 4000 lost today. Please let's end this.

Please lets stop pretending it's not happening or turning a blind eye to it. Please lets stop condemning the women who have abortions and start loving them and showing them grace. Please let's remind them that they are carrying a beautiful baby that God place their. A gift from heaven. Please let us help to steward that gift. 

Friends please know that if you have had an abortion that there is hope. Please know that if you want to have an abortion that there are options. Please know that if your pregnant your not alone. Please know that I'm praying for you and I don't mean that in a careless let me say I'm praying for you to make myself feel better sort of way. Please know it breaks my heart that these children died today. Please let's not let 4000 die tomorrow...and the day after that...Please lets take a stand. Please lets love these little children. Please. 

please pray with me. 


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