Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015

In 2014 so many things happened. When I was younger I used to divide a page and write the leaving year on one side and the new year on the other and make a list of what happened and what I hoped for in the next year. As I've gotten older I find the years pass so fast that just as soon as one starts it seems it's ending.

Turned 25

friends came to visit
family fun
Amelia Rose joined the world

Easter Vigil- SO BEAUTIFUL!
Riley joined the world
Amelia became a christian
We had our marriage blessed
I was confirmed Catholic
visited grandma
went shooting in TX
Houston adventures...man I want a Kolache.
made new friends
dates with my husband
2 trips to New Hampshire
Anniversary trip and found a new favorite restaurant. 
became a jewelry lady
Had one of my best friends get engaged!!!
Bought our first home

So many amazing things and yet so many challenges. In 2014 I had my faith challenged and tested. I had challenges at work. I learned how much I needed to learn about love as that was my word for the year, and if anything I learned how unloving I can be. I grew a lot in this, and pray God will continue to help me love. While I made new friends, some faded. While I grew, I learned so many more ways I need to grow. 

This is the beauty of life. That while we may only take pictures of the things we celebrate, some of the most beautiful moments are wrapped in the most challenging. I'm so thankful for 2014 and while I don't know all the 2015 will hold I know that God is with me, and will go before me and lead me. 

God bless you,

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