Saturday, March 16, 2013

Submission isn't easy but obedience rarely is.

Hello friends,
My life has been a whirlwind of seeing patients, studying for exams, and interviewing for jobs, but I see how much of my life could change depending on the job I take, and I see the desires that God has put in my heart and I pray that He will continue to light the path.

Submission to God's plan is the first thing I have to do. Trust that He has the plan and trust that He knows what is best. Jesus was perfectly submitted to God.

For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.
John 6:38

Jesus is our example and if Jesus came to do the work of the Father, then our goal should be to do what Jesus did and do the work that God directs whether thats showing kindness, praying for people God puts on our hearts, giving of our time and money, giving everything we can and have to God. 

Submission comes in other forms. 

Ephesians 5:22 says " Wives submit to your own husbands as you do the Lord." 

How do we submit to God? in everything. The writer of Ephesians (Paul) knew we would have questions so he wrote in verse 24 "Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands." There is the clarity we need. Wives submit in everything. Now if I were to take a survey on who thinks that is one would raise their hand is my guess. Just as submission to God takes effort and desire and time to learn.  The bible speaks of spiritual infants and similarly I think there is an infancy in marriage that occurs. You mature (hopefully) in your ability to communicate and relate to your husband and you learn to trade milk for meat. The little lessons of your first weeks of marriage come and grow to bigger lessons, bigger realizations, and I say this in still an "infancy of marriage" as I have only been married for 7 months. However, I can tell you that the 7 months has stretched me from selfish and unaware to selfish and aware. Once aware, we are charged with praying and studying to grow and learning how to put the other person before you, learning how to be patient, learning how to be understanding. The days I fail out number the days I succeed but as with God I don't' earn my husband's love he gives it freely no matter how much I mess up or fail. And yet just as I struggled with submitting in everything to God, I struggle in submitting in everything to my husband. But, I'm growing and trying. 

When you get married you can't predict the things that will be hard to submit in. The places that your husband will want to lead you, won't always be the places you want to go. The things your husband wants to teach you, won't always be what you want to learn. (sound familiar to how God is with you?) Lately my husband has been leading me to really examine what I think and believe. He is pushing me to know the word, to study it, to ask questions and not just to take an answer but to search for truth. Its a wonderful and frustrating experience all at the same time. And yet I see God teaching me as my husband is teaching me. It's a stretching experience but one that I am confident will lead me to a deeper relationship with my husband and with God. 

Ladies, if your husband is leading you you have to trust that God is leading Him to the right place. Will it be easy always ? NO. But I encourage you to meditate on the verses the bible gives on submission to God and pray that God will help you to submit to your husband as to the Lord. (Note your husband is NOT your God, or savior. Jesus is Lord, but Jesus has told you to submit to your husband and out of obedience to Christ you are to submit. Not if you want to, but it's a mix of repentance and prayer that will help you do what you are to be obedient in.)

Well friends, I have a pie in the oven that needs to come out, and dinner with friends I need to get to. I encourage you ladies to pray that God will help your heart be open to what I am saying and open your hearts to honoring your husband and the Lord. 


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