Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Passion 2012 Session 1

Hello friends!
Alright so the Passion conference is happening at the georgia dome over the next few days, and while I have never had the pleasure of attending I watched it last year and learned so much. I wanna kinda write about what I learn as it goes.
I encourage you to tune in.

Jesus Jesus God from God light from light you are our salvation is what Christ Tomlin opened up with. Beautiful words and so true. Our salvation is once and for all from Christ.  Louie Giglio spoke in the first session.

God wants to do more than you can ask Him or image is the idea he opened up with. True story.
He explained how Passion conference came together. For those of you who haven't' heard of it is a gathering for 18-25 year olds to learn about God, be inspired to live a life after Him, and features many speakers and artists.

He goes on to expound on how God really can do immeasurable more. I'm not going to type out his whole message but what I wanna give is a response. He used Ezekiel 37 where God
1. spoke the word of God
2. gave breath
3. gave tendons and skin back. (repaired and restored)
4. showed He was the Lord.
Here we see a picture where God did something that no one else could do, just as what has happened in my life no one else could do.

God in fact HAS and WILL do immeasurable more than I ask for or imagine.
How do I know?
Because He has. To understand  that you have to get to a place where you define how much you think God can do in the first place. If you think He can't do anything, your prayers will reflect that. But if you remember that our God is a God of miracles and you believe that is true then pray like that. Ask God : God if it is YOUR WILL heal me. If it is YOUR WILL show me. Note I emphasize if it is your will, as God works all things to the good of those who love Him according to His will.

Friends what has God done in your life that is more is more than you could ask for or imagine?
What is it you hope He will do?

Friends that passage in Ezekiel 37 is an illustration of the promise in 36.  Go promises in 36:25-27 saying that He will restore Israel not only physically but spiritually. It says " Then I will sprinkle clean water on you and you will be clean. your filth will be washed away and you will no longer worship idols. And I will give you a new heart and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give yoga  tender responsive heart. And I will put my spirit in you so that you will follow my decrees and be careful to obey my regulations." --- MAN. I don't know about you but for me that describes what He has done and what He is doing.

Friends we might not be seeing bones come back to life like Ezekiel did but as Giglio ask God to help you believe in the places you have doubt.  Ask Him to speak and show up in your life, ask Him to do the immeasurably more than you could ask for or imagine. The word says if you seek Him will all your heart you will find Him and friends if you ask Him to show up and really seek Him with your heart I know that you will find Him.


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