Monday, January 23, 2017

Newborn Cloth Diaper Favorites Week 5

Alright my little man is growing so fast. It's amazing! He was born at 7 lbs 1 oz, dropped to 6 pds 11 oz after birth and now at 5 weeks is 12 lbs 2 oz! So we are finding new things fit! We are still loving cloth diapers.

New this week: BumGenius pockets and free times fit. I was excited to try these since they are a popular option. I like the ease of the free time as I don't have to unstuff them, but I like the ability to customize the pocket. They fit good and no leaks so far. They don't bump my apple cheeks out of the favorite spot but they are a great option.

We also fit in Smartbottoms 3.1 ! I can't really review this one yet as I'm trying to get it fully prepped before I speak on it. As it is a natural fiber diaper it requires a lot of washes to get absorbent but I'm excited when it does.

We did have to switch out the inserts for the Applecheeks as he is a super soaker. So I tried out some of the 2 ply Bamboo inserts and was amazed at how much bamboo holds compared to cotton and much more trim. We don't have a lot of them but we have a  few which helps the diapers last a little longer on things like car rides.

Here we go : Week 5 favorites

Fitted: GMD workhorse. It's named so appropriately. That with a cover we can get away with for quite a while. I can't tell you how long but we did use them overnight and I changed at the 4 hour mark when I fed him. No leaks. Maybe could have gone longer but that was more than enough.

SmartBottoms 3.1 in Rover
All in One: Grovia One for overnight. It's super bulky so I never use during the day. My little man is a heavy wetter and needs both inserts in it for overnight if I don't change him when I feed him. Also it wouldn't fit it wasn't for the velcro options so I really hand it to the designers on that detail. It's pretty awesome.  During the day I'm liking the BumGenius Freetime so far but I have some natural fiber all in ones prepping and we will see what wins. For now I'll show you his first SmartBottoms 3.1 One Size.

Pocket: Applecheeks are for sure the number 1. BumGenius fit well but there is something about those ruffles! And I love how soft it is compared the BumGenius. Pockets however are really determined by what you stuff them with. We used the BumGenius newborn insert and it really did hold up for my little man which was great but I didn't love it as much as our Lalabyebaby. For Applecheeks we use either newborn pre-folds or 2 ply bamboo inserts. The bamboo is much more trim and holds much more.  I will say we have a  few other pockets but while they fit (Charlie Banana one size, Rumaprooz G2) I don't reach for them unless I have nothing else. The Rumparooz is really bulky but I love that it has the inner gusset. The Charlie Banana was really bought for it's cuteness and to try the brand. I like it, really soft but it doesn't have the inner gusset so that did lead to a quite messy clean up on Fulton. No leaks but I felt bad for him.

Charlie Banana One Size 
Covers: We haven't tried anything new but I do love the Thirsties. We are still on the smallest rise on the size 1 but in Rumparooz newborn we have had to go up in the rise which means the Rumparooz may not last as long, but worked for us when Thirsties was too big. I'm glad we had both styles for this little man. I will say BestBottoms fit well the whole way, I can't say if it work have worked for the first week as it went too high for his cord and we had to wait. However this little skinny legs at the time didn't chunk much the first week at all so I really do think without the cord issue it would have fit.

My newborn cloth diaper series will end next week with week 6 but don't worry we will continue sharing the cloth diaper journey. Be sure to like Beautiful Good True on Facebook for notifications on updates. Also Check our another newborn cloth diaper guest post I did here: It's Just a Load of Laundry

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