I've graduated: I am a Physician Assistant with a Masters in Medical Sciences.
We applied to rent a house.
I found a job that I'm just finalizing papers with.
...did I mention I graduated?
while that only takes up a few lines. its several years in the making. I've been in school my whole life and towards the end of high school I decided I wanted to be a PA. I had a lot of people tell me:
-you should be a doctor instead- no thanks.
-you won't get in without working as a nurse/emt/other healthcare professional (they were wrong)
-you should get your phD instead- no thanks.
-you won't like living 3 hours away from home- they were wrong...
and now here I am in a hotel in Texas as my best friend has her first day of work as an engineer and I'm stricken with the fact that I'm done. I think its the first time thats really sunken even though graduation was like 5 days ago.
and I have to say. I couldnt' have done it alone. I couldn't have done it without the strong support of my husband and the overwhelming abundance of blessings and provision from God. The first really is part of the latter.
Honestly- from giving me a seat in the program....to helping me get through the 2.5 years with many surgeries for skin issues...and many recoveries...and many moments where I felt like I couldn't do it...God got me through. You know that story with the footprints in the sand and at the end it's like "when you see one set of footprints it was then I carried you?" ...
God didn't just carry me: At times I feel like He dragged me kicking and screaming and at other times I feel like He carried my hopeless self the next couple steps and threw me in the water with a loving sentiment of "sinking isn't an option you better swim." And I did with His help: I just kept swimming. And in the middle of the program He threw me a curveball: an amazing husband. And I am so thankful for Paul and the blessing he has been in my life.
I don't know if you watched the Price is Right ever...but when I was a kid (and maybe still) there was a mountain man on there.

This little mountain man you watched on the show as he climbed up this giant mountain as part of a game. A person is shown several small prizes and is asked to guess the retail amount. There are 25 steps to the mountain and the climber goes up 1 step for ever dollar the guess is off. If the climber falls over before the person guesses correctly the prices then the contestant looses the game. While I wouldnt' say the game it self really correlates with my experience the idea of this mountain, and this little yodeling mountain man slowly climbing up is very accurate. And now I'm at the top of one very big mountain I've been climbing and yet at the bottom of the mountain of my career. It's an interesting place to be and one that leaves me both amazed at how far of come and a little unsure of if I know enough to climb the next mountain. I have my PANCE exam in 16 days and so I have a lot of studying to do.
In summary: I am so thankful for the accomplishments that I have reached, but I definitely wouldn't be here without the God. I am so thankful to Him for His unfailing love of me and help with pursuit of such an amazing goal that He put on my heart so long ago. He worked all things together and in that process I learned so much more about Him and about love. So excited to see what He has planned next.
Be praying for me friends and let me know how I can pray for you.
one of the newest Physician Assistants :)